Salisbury, China Grove, Spencer, Granite Quarry, and Rockwell NC.
Si Gustas Enviar A Winston-Salem Solo Haga Clic AquiThe FTD Cosmopolitan Arrangement, with Asiatic lilies and carnations, creates an elegant display of floral beauty that makes it an ideal flower bouquet to celebrate any of life's special moments. Pink Asiatic lilies, lavender carnations, purple liatris, purple statice and a variety of lush greens are artfully arranged in a clear glass cubed vase set with lime green foam. Accented with ti leaves tied in an eye-catching fashion around the vase, this bouquet creates a beautiful way to convey your happiest wishes. GOOD bouquet includes 10 stems. Approx. 16â€ÂH x 11â€ÂW. BETTER bouquet includes 13 stems. Approx. 18â€ÂH x 12â€ÂW. BEST bouquet includes 19 stems. Approx. 20â€ÂH x 14â€ÂW.
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